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Dame na Kurai ga Choudoii
ダメなくらいが丁度いい / Dame na Kurai ga Choudo Ii / Dame Nakuraiga Choudo ii / So Bad It' / s Perfectly Good / The Good-for-Nothing Fellow is Just Good
fuduki atsuyo
Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Tsurezure Children
徒然チルドレン / Tozen Children / Tsure*Dure Children / Tsuredure Children
wakabayashi toshiya
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
La Corda D'Oro
บทเพลงสีทอง (Thai) / 金色のコルダ / 金色之弦 / 金色琴弦 / 금색의 코르다 / A Corda de Ouro / Cung Đàn Vàng / Kiniro no Corda / La Corda D' / Oro 3 / The Golden String / The String of Gold
kure yuki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Reverse Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Vampire Next Door
Sillim-dong Vampire / Sillim Vampire / 신림동 뱀파이어
Chibi-san Date
ちびさんデイト / Chibi-san Deito / Chibisan Date / Chibisan Deito / Chibisan-Date
himaruya hidekazu
Seinen(M),Slice of Life
🇧🇷Hidoku Shinaide DJ – Lovey-Dovey
Nekota Yonezou
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Comedy,Shounen ai
🇫🇷Kiken Junai D.N.A.
危险纯爱DNA / 危険純愛D.N.A. / D.N.A. Our Dangerous Pure Love / Dangerous Pure Love D.N.A. / Just the Two of Us / Kiken Jun'ai D.N.A. / Kiken Junai DNA
kurumatani haruko
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Le Chevalier D'Eon
シュヴァリエ / Le Chevalier D' / Eon / The Knight of Eon
ubukata tow / yumeji kiriko
Seinen(M),Mature,Action,Gender Bender,Historical,Supernatural
Claiming Her Billion-Dollar Birthright (Dynasties: The Jarrods: Book 1)
Dynasties: The Jarrods: Book 1
Maureen Child / Sara Nakayama
Initial D (Official)
Инициал Ди / 头文字D / 頭文字D
Shuichi Shigeno
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Slice of Life,Sports
Little Butterfly
Little Butterfly (English) / Kleiner Schmetterling (German) / الفراشة الصغيرة (Arabic) / Petit Papillon (French) / Kleine Vlinder(Dutch)
takanaga hinako
Yaoi(BL),Mature,Drama,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
Ii Hito
いいひと。 / いいひと。 For new natural life / A Good Person / A Good-Natured Person / Ii Hito. - for new natural life
takahashi shin
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
ウオンテッド / WANTED 尾田 栄一郎短編集 / Wanted! - Oda Eiichiro Tanpenshu / WANTED!-尾田栄一郎短編集
oda eiichiro
Majin Devil
魔人―DEVIL / 마인 (Oh! Great) / Devil (Oh! Great) / Majin -Devil- / Majin Devil
oh! great
🇮🇩Manik lucu di tangan《DrDkyung_soo》🐧
掌上萌珠 , Popular Princess
月牙灣wan / 漫神動漫
🇨🇳Manhua,Manhwa,Emperor's daughte,Royal family
Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu
ちんつぶA / ちんつぶB / ちんつぶC / ちんつぶD / ちんつぶE / ちんつぶF / ちんつぶG / ちんつぶH / ちんつぶI / ちんつぶJ / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu A / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu B / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu C / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu D / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu E / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu F / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu G / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu H / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu I / Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu J
yamato nase
Damasare Uragirarete Shokei Sareta Watashi Ga… Dare wo Shinji Rareru To iu Nodesho
I was deceived, betrayed and executed...Who can I believe?
榊万桜 / AMAO
까마귀 공작 부인/Duchess of the Raven/Duchess of the Crow
Orange D
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode6:Dawn of the golden witch / Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch / When Seagulls Cry Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
ryukishi 07
Bleach - Good-night,baby (Doujinshi)
Bleach - Goodnight, Baby / Bleach dj - Good-night,baby / Bleach dj - Goodnight, Baby
d:brand (circle) / asou mitsuaki
Ikusa no Ko - Oda Saburou Nobunaga Den
いくさの子 織田三郎信長伝 / Ikusa no Ko / Ikusa no Ko - Oda Saburou Nobunaga-den / Ikusa no Ko - Oda Saburou Nobunagaden / Ikusa no Ko: Oda Saburō Nobunaga-Den
hara tetsuo / kitahara seibou
Vampire Hunter D
バンパイアハンターD / D, a vámpírvadász / Hideyuki Kikuchi' / s Vampire Hunter D
kikuchi hideyuki / takaki saiko
Yuki-doke no Netsu
雪解けの熱 / Snow-Melting Fever / Yuki doke no Netsu
izumi asuka
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Scarlet Cross
Blood-Red Cross / Brilliant Red Cross / Cardinal Cross / Dark Red Cross
san yue tu